The Simple Seerah Young Adults Book by Asim Khan And Toyris Miah


A young adults book about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with a forward by Mufti Menk. The amazing story of The Seerah which covers the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and the history of Islam, written in an easy-to-read format for teenagers and young adults.

This book tells the story of Islam from the beginning; how an entire city tried to kill one man simply because he spoke the truth about God, calling for justice and the fair treatment of women and the poor. It is a tale of searching for truth, forming meaningful bonds beyond status or personal interest, and overcoming obstacles for the sake of the Almighty.

Having dedicated much of his life to explaining the deeper meanings of the Qur’an to non-Arabic speakers, Ustadh Asim Khan has now taken on the challenge of relating the life of the Prophet Muhammad in true storytelling fashion. This style of the Seerah is yet to be experienced in the English language and promises to transport the reader back to the time of the Prophet and his Companions.

Mufti Menk approved! 

Add The Simple Seerah: Part Two

“Appropriately titled as "The Simple Seerah"
one of the main objectives of this book is to
make it easy for the young generation of
Muslims today to understand and learn from
the life of the Prophet (saw). 

The novel-like language and storytelling structure
used throughout the book is easy and engaging
for most youngsters and even adults. Combined
with the brilliant illustrations, you're transported
to ancient Makkah to witness the trials and challenges of the early Muslims.” - Mufti Menk

  • ISBN13: 9781739909505
  • Publication Date: 09-09-2021
  • Format: Paperback

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 9 reviews
    Ida Mufleh

    It was an easy read. I was hoping for some more personal stories about the prophet, more examples. It was very basic. I liked it enough that I’m purchasing part 2 & 3 and hope they will include more personal examples of the kind of things he did. In songs people refer to our prophet as someone they truly love (they call him habibi and you feel it in the songs. I want to feel it in the books a little more).

    Farheen Jawed

    The Simple Seerah Young Adults Book by Asim Khan And Toyris Miah

    Simple seerah

    For a person who has never read a full book in her life I read this book cover to cover. It was so well written I ordered part 2 of the book after only reading 3 chapters. This book taught me so much more about Islam and made me fall even more in love with it. It’s just a perfect book to learn about the prophet and his journey. Definitely encourage anyone who wants to learn about the seerah to read this book!!

    Zaki V
    Simple seerah part 1

    For a person who has never read a full book in her life I read this book cover to cover. It was so well written I ordered part 2 of the book after only reading 3 chapters. This book taught me so much more about Islam and made me fall even more in love with it. It’s just a perfect book to learn about the prophet and his journey. Definitely encourage anyone who wants to learn about the seerah to read this book!!

    Sana Siddiqui

    The Simple Seerah Young Adults Book by Asim Khan And Toyris Miah